A hymn to slow living

How to find the”slow life”? Go to Liguria!

we are experiencing hectic times

It’s the high season and we are involved in many projects, reaserches and possibilities. Days are longers and so are the work hours. It is inevitable to feel overwhelmed. So we decided to find time for ourselves by practicing the so-called “slow life”. When thinking of living slowly, many are the images that come to mind. Places, feelings, moments of peace that we treasure and inspire us to find the right mindset to live slowly and enjoy every minute.

When thinking of living slowly, one place in particularly came to mind: Liguria.
And here’s why!


A splash of colours

The “Cinque Terre” (= five lands) are a joy for the heart and the eyes. With colored houses, cozy little streets and warm nature all around them, they provide and immediate sense of elated calmness and hopeful gaze on the future. You may recognize this glimpse from one of the lastest Disney movies: the sweet “Luca” is a story of love, accemptance, seasoned with bike runs, sea baths and pesto sauce. A true delight!

As romantic as it can get

Liguria is also famous for the Lovers’ Lane: a beautiful path that connects the 5 towns on the coast. The place where to be to enjoy a peaceful stroll!
Also towns like Camogli are able to gift us rarefied atmospheres, straight out of a past life made of simple things. A walk by the seashore is what we all need in times of traffic: the one that oftens crowds our minds. Camogli is famous for the way they celebrate Valentine’s Day: find out more on our past inquire!

Cars-free town

Some time ago we visited the little town of Rapallo and we felt so welcomed in this place that felt like a big cozy home: the gentle presence of the sea, the welcoming locals, the little car-free streets allow to enjoy a glass of wine while walking around. And not without discovering the shops and taste the local products. Liguria is about living the moment without rush!
Take a look at the vlog


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